Outlander is one of the popular historical television drama series created by Ronald D. Moore, based on the novel series of the same title by Diana Gabaldon. The show was first debuted on 9 August 2014. The executive producers of the series are Andy Harries, Maril Davis, Ronald D. Moore, Toni Graphea, Ira Steven, and Marigo Kehoe respectively.
As of now, there is no official release date. The filming hasn’t begun because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 the production has been shut. In May 2020, the fifth season of Outlander was released ad it was received extremely positively by the viewers and critics. So, if the global pandemic still in place, it is likely impossible for the sixth season of Outlander’s toe to arrive anytime soon in 2020 or 2021.
The first season of the show premiered on the television channel Starz on August 9, 2014. This adventure fantasy romance TV series has become quite popular amongst the historical drama fans. There has been a lot of growth in the plot and the audience of the show. People have been demanding more and more of it. The fourth season of Outlander aired from November 2018 to January 2019 and was one of the most popular TV shows on Starz.
Did you have read the novel, ”A Breath of Snow and Ashes”, If so, then you already have an idea about what’s going to happen in the next season? The previous season is based on the sixth novel in the series which will follow Jocasta Cameron with her fourth husband, Duncan Innes will take a big exit from the New World when things get out of control.
The finale episode of season 5 of Outlander saw Jocasta and Duncan Getting married when she wipes Goodbye to her secret lover. She will be thrown to a financial dire and will flee to Nova Scotia with Duncan when things at River Run are getting dicey.