The Witcher is an American Fantasy, Adventure Drama web show and It is produced by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and It is fully based on the Book by Polish writer Andrej Sapkowski and the 1 season consist of 8 episodes was released on Netflix on December 20, 2019, even before season 1 had released, Netflix officially confirmed that The Witcher would be returning for a 2nd season return in November and the showrunner Lauren S Hissrich officially announced that Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri will be returning for more adventures in season 2.
Netflix officially announced in a statement via Deadline that pre-production will begin in early 2020 with a view to a 2021 premiere date at least we can rest easy in the knowledge that filming is just about to start and If it has not already.
Only 3 members of The Witcher season 2 screencast have been officially confirmed and season 2 has not begun filming yet, so we can expect possible casting news to trickle out over the upcoming months and The Witcher ending, could include Eamon Farron’s nefarious Nilfgaard soldier Cahir and Mimi Ndweni’s Fringilla and The Witcher’s fight choreographer Vladimir Furdik, who act the Night King in Game of Thrones, won’t return for season 2.
The production is set to begin in early 2020, meaning season 2 is likely to return in late 2020 and 2021 and we have no more specific information on the schedule.
The Witcher’s world has been written into a collection of Interconnected Novels and short stories and the Season 1was adapted from two of Sapkowski’s short story collections and the wish and Sword of Destiny these were also the first stories he had published return in the mid-1980s and the early 90s making them a natural starting point and the main storyline in Blood of elves focuses on Geralt taking in Ciri, becoming both her protector and her teacher and Beyond that, there is also the standalone novel Season of Storms and various other Witcher stories which Sapkowski has penned over the years and If you want to know more about the source material which might just clue you in on The Witcher season 2 story and Here’s our guide on The Witcher Books including the suggested reading order and how they compare to the Netflix series as well as the games.