“The Punisher” is an American action crime Drama web show and “The Punisher” is the only Marvel/Netflix web show that was not planned as part of the original slate of five web shows- Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage Iron Fist and The Defenders.”The Punisher” television web show will not return for a third season on Netflix and Now we have decided that the upcoming third season will also be the final season for Marvel’s Jessica Jones and Us are thankful to showrunner Melissa Rosenberg, Star Krysten Ritter and the entire screencast and crew for the amazing seasons of this record-breaking series which was recognized by the Peabody Awards among many others. The television web show “The Punisher” is created by Steven Lightfoot.
we are grateful to Marvel Comic Universe for five years of our faithful partnership and thankful the passionate fans and audience who have followed these web shows from the beginning. After a great partnership that resulted in the Defenders, series of the web show and Disney is starting to preparing to directly compete against Netflix platform with its own streaming service.
The Original Marvel Universe Studios and Netflix Platform deal operated as a type of official licensing deal in that Disney gives permission Netflix to use its characters and roles while Netflix Platform had the right to cancel this web shows. The Marvel fans are very disappointed because of the sudden and Unfair decision that Marvel has made.
As apart of the Marvel Comic Universe and Netflix Platform collaboration that came together six years ago Jessica Jones the television web show was the second in the arrangement to release on the streamer after Daredevil. So, the cancellation was announced and every person was bumped out except for star Ben Barnes, apparently.
And Netflix has officially confirmed that all of its Marvel Universe Studios web shows will still be available to stream for the future. All episodes of the first season “The Punisher” were premiered on November 17, 2017, and a month later, “The Punisher” web show was renewed for a second season which was released on January 18, 2019, and February 18, 2019, Netflix cancel the web show after two seasons of “The Punisher”