Evangelion is a Japanese anime television show by Hideaki Anno. This show is fully based on Neon Genesis Evangelion. After showering their support viewership which ended up with an IMDB rate of 7/10 and 7.6/10 rate in My Animelistdotnet. Evangelion 4.0 will be the final anime movie of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Loyal fans of the show would know that the release has been due for so long since it was initially set for a 2015 release.
There’s no official Trailer yet from Studio Khara, However, a fan had access to the film in Japan and relased it on the web, You can watch 20 seconds worth of Eva-on-Eva confrontation.
The character of Shinji Ikari is voiced by Megumi Ogata, Asuka Iangley Shikinami is voiced by Yuko Miyamura, Rei Ayanami is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara, Gender Ikari is voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki, Shigeru Aoba is voiced by Takehito Koyasu, Mari illustrious is voiced by Maya Sakamoto, Sohryu Kyouko is voiced by Maria Kawamura.
Release of Evangelion 4 1.0 was set up to be released in 2015, After a long delay production finally revealed the release date which is scheduled to be released on 27th June 2020. The first movie, Evangelion was released on September 1, 2007. Just after the release of the first part. It was accepted by the audience and became a huge hit.
The storyline revolves around the life span evolution of a young boy Shinji Ikari who is abandoned by his own Gendo. From initial season it portrayed that to protect the earth from Angels: the evil monsters who are set to destroy humanity from earth, a young boy Shinji Ikari joins a pilot squad to operate Evangelion: Giant Machines which possess extreme powers in it and the Journey of Shinji Ikari goes on from here.