Prison School or Purizum Sukuru is a Japanese manga series that was conceived and Conceptualized by Akira Hiramoto. This anime series is based on the manga, Content of these show are very interesting and Comprehensive. They are written by acclaimed writers mostly. Manga Comics the biggest illustration Comics company produces and publishes these comics on a regular basis. The first season of the Prison School is also one such comic that became very popular upon release.
When you know that the Prison School season 1 released on July 11, 2015, and ended on September 26, 2015. A significant decrease in the voluminous sale of the comics has discouraged the producers. The reproduction house not will be sure when they will release a second installment of the show. Then the many rumors start to season 2, But there is no Official Confirmation about the second season.
Prison School is the comedy anime series based on the story of Akira Hiramoto’s manga. Season one of the Prison School was all about the Kiyoshi and his Companions at the live-in school. In any case of following a couple of o days, they are free and used to the standards and become well known. After the difference in another president, there are few changes. Its talk about a famous school called Hachimitsu private Academy. This school will be an all-girl institution with a strict and disciplined structure in place.
In season 2 we might see some changes in the administrative authority of the school upon coming here, he makes the institutions’ coeducational. A very small number of boys will be selected. When season 2 all revolve around the Journey of how thus revolve around the journey of Then how these girls communicate the boys.