The Overload is a dark fantasy anime show the same is adapted from the Japanese anime. The novel is originally written by Kurane Murayama. The TV series is produced by Madhouse and directed by Naoyuki. Overload Season 3 of the show has the recreation of the volumes 7 to 9 of the novel and the coming season is expected to revolve around the rest of the volumes of the book. The upcoming season has been pulled off from the 12th publication of the novel. ultimately the outcome will be a little varied and unusual.
We expect the season is highly anticipated to release in the year of 2021 but the news cannot be officially confirmed for now. Season 1 of Overload has 13 episodes and released on 7 July 2015.
The cast included are Ainz Oal Gown voiced by Satoshi Hino, Chris Guerrero Albedo by Yumi Hara, and Elizabeth Maxwell, Shallterar BloodFallen by Sumire Uesaka and Felecia Angelle. Aura Bella Fiora by Emiri Kato and Jill Harris. Mare Bello Fiore by Yumi Uchiyama and Megan Shipman, Pandora’s Actor by Mamoru Miyano and Eric Vale and Namsuke by Akeno Watanabe and Heather Walker.
The story of the series revolves around the year 2138 where the world is seeing a change in virtual gaming. But then one online role-playing game called Yggdrasil developed 12 years ago is abruptly shut down. the layout keeps going on with the tale in which the leading identity was being transferred into an unknown game realm. This occurs as the creature of the fame might have provided some changes in the character of the game. Subsequently, after buying the strengths he agrees on to utilize this energy in the interest of the civilization.