outlander is a television drama series based on the Outlander series of historical time travel novels by Diana Gabaldon. Developed by Ronald D. Moore and produced by Sony Pictures Television. Over five seasons, Outlander has garnered attention for its epic romance and now the Starz drama will be remembered for another extraordinary, albeit uncomfortable, distinction: All three members of its central family have been victims of rape.
Unlike the much-talked-about season 1 rape scenes with Jamie and Jack as Tobias Menzies and much more in line with last season’s bar incident between Bree and Bonnet. there were no lingering shots as the men lined up to take their turn with the witch.
As a season capper, the incident also triggered many events to come in season 6. Roger and Marsali both killed for the first time. Richard Brown has sworn revenge against Jamie for the death of his brother, and Wendigo knows that the Frasers have gems that can potentially return him to 1968.
Speaking of time travelers is now a good time to talk about what befell Roger and Bree. because I have notes. The first 15 minutes of this episode, in which Claire is savagely raped and beaten by Lionel Brown and his gang of men who abducted her from Fraser’s Ridge is almost impossible to watch.