Created by Derek Kolstad, John Wick is one of the famous and loved American Thriller drama series. It is a media action-thriller franchise which is owned by Summit Entertainment. It all started in 2014, with the franchise following two installments of John Wick as chapter 2 and chapter 3. All three movies where a super success at the box office with a gross total of 587 million dollars worldwide.
Soon to release with the fourth installment of Part 4 or chapter, the production is under wrap for safety. The story is all about the unique type of underworld and how a different kind of society is created. Having their own area. Portraying a character of a John Wick, a career assassin, Keanu Reeves looks enjoying his role.
Cast details, no official announcement is made yet by the production team or source close to the team about the cast. But as revealed by the magazine, the following actors are assumed to be seen John Wick 4. Actors like– Keanu Reeves, Hale Berry name have been confirmed to date.
Released date, The film is still under development and production, but with concern to coronavirus pandemic around the world, the release may differ. Officially announced to hit the screens in May- June 2021, the release date may also be subject to change with the situation around. The trailer of the movie will be launched much later in the year-end or start of 2021.
It is also said that as per the old sequel of John Wick, all movies start where the previous one stops. Therefore, we can assume that John Wick 4 may resume were John Wick’s 3.