The Expendables is an American ensemble action-thriller franchise spanning a film series. It is written by and starring Sylvester Stallone and originally created by David Callaham First, in late 2016. it was announced that The Expendables 4 would be the final movie, with Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, and Arnold Schwarzenegger all expected to return but for some reason.
Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wouldn’t be in The Expendables 4 without Sylvester Stallone, so 2017 ended with little hope of The Expendables 4 happening The series consists of three films: The Expendables (2010), The Part 2 (2012) and The Expendables 3 (2014), with a fourth film scheduled to be released in the future. The films have been box office successes.
Arnold Schwarzenegger said he wouldn’t return to the franchise without Sly — adding that he loved the first two movies but wasn’t happy with his story in the third one. The trilogy has accumulated a massive $789 million since the first movie was released back in 2010. Stallone is currently working on two projects named Samaritan and Little America.
Sylvester Stallone’s latest movie, Rambo: Last Blood, has not impressed critics and even the movie’s own creator. Despite this, he is already talking about upcoming projects, including reuniting with Rocky star Dolph Lundgren. While Stallone may have plans, all fans want to know is if there will be an Expendables 4.
Despite the green-eyed monster rearing its head while casting Rocky 4, Stallone must have grown in fondness for the He-Man actor as he also spoke out about doing another movie with him in the not too distant future.
The Expendables came out in 2010, followed by The Expendable 2 in 2012, and The Expendables 3 in 2014. But there we are in 2020 and Part 4 hasn’t even filmed yet. So you can imagine why Randy Couture was recently asked if the movie is even still a thing.