Bright Burn is produced by James Gunn and directed by David Yarovesky. The movie follows the same beats as the classic Superman origin story at first, showing an alien boy named Brandon growing up in small-town Kansas and discovering he has super abilities.
There is no official release date for this movie. And James Gunn is currently in pre-production on The Suicide Squad and plans to start filming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 as soon as 2020. Now, we are assumed Bright burn 2 wouldn’t release in 2020.
If Yarovesky and his writer’s ere able to have it ready within the next 12 to 18 months.
At the moment, Sony and Screen Gems have yet to officially confirm they are moving forward with Bright burn 2. The first movie grossed $17.3 million at the global box office in its first weekend if release, So It’s well on its way to covering its estimated $6 to 12 million budget.
The studio is bringing back its biggest franchises over the next 2 years, including Horror brands like The Grudge, They are also trying to launch new ones with upcoming movies like Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island Horror movie reboot.
Bright burn is basically the story of the problem child on a level that speaks to many of us in a certain way. The problem child in the case is able to do things that normal humans don’t do and seems bent on making certain that he leaves no one alive in his wake.