Locke & Key is an American Supernatural Horror Drama web television show and It is premiered on Netflix on February 7, 2020, and season 1 is inspired by volumes 1-4 of the comics, touching on the Locke siblings dealing with their grief as they find the keys and there are no reports yet about a second season but that’s to be expected Netflix usually makes renewal announcements around one month after the launch of a new web show And the season 1 of Netflix’s Locke and Key is filled with details, revelations, and Easter eggs from the original comic book story.
And but it would make sense to see a 2 season at a similar time next year February 2021 seems to be a good bet in the event of renewal.
There’s no hard and fast rule, Netflix will generally not announce pickups until about a month after a season airs, and so don’t expect any updates on this front until sometime in March, earliest and the season 1 about these kids basically discovering that they’ re the happen of the keys, what does that responsibility mean?
When the Locks move back to their ancestral home of key house and the kids start discovering keys laying around the property and the youngest son, Bode, discovers keys laying around the property and Though a big deal is made out of the keys, very little is actually shown about what they are made of and why they have magical properties and the story begins way to return in 1775 when a troop of rebels during the American Revolution discover a portal to another dimension filled with demons able to mesmerize anyone who sees them and when the demons attempt to cross over to our dimensions, they collapse cool drown and become lumps of iron.