GTA (Grand Theft Auto) 6 is an action, thriller, adventure video game series which is created by David Jones and Mike Dailly, is published by Rockstar Games. GTA is the most favorite video game of all time of the audience. There is a total of 5 seasons or game are coming yet and the sixth season is coming soon, gamers are waiting so badly to playing season 6, there are lots of change is occurring in season 6. There had been rumors that GTA 6 would be a PS5 exclusive and that it would be available at launch. Rockstar Games has had plenty of time to prep GTA 6, with it over six years since Grand Theft Auto 5 first came out. GTA’s first season is launch in 1997. Biben Micheal who is an experienced 3d game artist is worked on the vehicle of GTA 6 up until April 2018 and he is also worked in GTA 5. Rockstar hasn’t officially announced GTA 6. However, if it is spending millions on developing it, it could be planning a big reveal.
There is no confirmed date of launching GTA 6 yet nor the information about released but as soon as possible it is released, or it is expected that it is to be released in 2020. We will update you from time to time if any information is out we will give you, let us wait and watch for the GTA 6.
In GTA 6 maps is important role cities are big and players can travel everywhere and play a large part of the game and so many iconic maps it’s easy to see that players are so excited about the game. Fans also want that game have come in 3d which is more adventurous, vehicles are more modified and graphics are very high in the GTA 6.