Fire Force anime is returning for season 2 as announced by the studio. This show is based on the manga written by Atsushi Okubo and directed by Yuki Yase. Season 1 released from 5 July to December 27, 2019. But the release may be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic has caused the closure of studios across Japan and the United States.
The show will be streaming on Funimation NOW and Crunchyroll in southeast Asia. For the audience in the united states. It is available on the Toonami service by the Adult swim.
As a creator of the Fire Force Atsushi Okubo reveals some details about it. During Anime expo, 2019 Okubo reveals that he is excited to see in the Fire Force anime is the Fire in its tittle. He also explained about his work compare to anime that there are some limitations to the manga artist.
Season 2 is set to premiere in July 2020. According to the official statement, season 2 will be the continuation of chapter 2 of the anime show.
The story is about the character Shinra Kausakabe who can light a free freely from his feet. He works with the fire force organization eight on the planet crushed by the Great Disaster Shinra must work towards the objective of obliterating infernos and saving his Brother Sho.
In the year of 198 of the age of the sun, Tokyo is a crowded capital. But the world’s most populous city is threatened by devils that cause pepole to burst into flame and too randomly.
As of now, none of the staff members officially confirmed the Fire Force season 2 release date . Nor has the production of Enen no shoubouital season 2 been announced.