There are some amazing anime shows available on Netflix and the genres latest addition, Dorohedoro is no exception. The show is an adaption of the original Manga series by Q Hayashida and produced by the MAPPA animation studio. Dorohedoro tells the story of Kaiman, a man with a reptile head who works together with his friend Nikaido to recover his memories and survive in a strange sorcerer-filled world. The show’s creator Yuichiro Hayashi has promised that he will greenlight season 2. If the anime develops a large enough audience and receives positive feedback.
Thankfully the anime has been met with great reviews from fans and critics alike. So, if the director keeps his word and the production team behind Dorohedoro sees potential in season 2.
Dorohedoro OVA is scheduled to be released on June 17th, 2020. This will consist of 6 episodes, each lasting approximately 5 minutes. We expect that after the OVA concludes, more details on season 2release date will be officially announced.
Hole a dreadful town were humans live in fear thanks to the constant attack of the Magic Users beings from another dimension which resembles humans in every way. Still, they can use and test magic on the residents of Hole killing of disfiguring them for the rest of their lives. Kaiman’s only friend they patrol the streets of Hole interrogating every sorcerer they find before inside Kaiman’s mouth.
In the Space Force season 1 finale we see Naird have somewhat change of heart He’s been portrayed as a man of integrity throughout, but the more pacifist nature of Mallory appears to have rubbed off and Naird. In communication with a Moon bound Angela Naird talks about realizing that the real enemy is arrogance and orders Angela and her fellow spaceman to disassemble their weapons.