The Classroom of the elite is a Japanese light novel series written by Shōgo Kinugasa and illustrated by Shunsaku Tomos. The first season performed quite well and it was well-received by the audiences, who praised the overall storyline, the aesthetics, the characters, and the progression. Classroom of the Elite’ season 1, it did wonders. And it has left a never-ending love for it in the heart of its fans. Elite’s first season aired from July to September 2017 and covers the major events in Kiyotaka’s first semester at his new school. Its been almost three years for now since the finale of the first season. Now fans are waiting for a season 2.
the season 1 of the anime series, which aired in 2017, only covers the plot till the first four volumes of the light novel. So it is hopeful that the anime will be back with season 2 covering later chapters of the novel series.according to sources it is expected to release classroom of the elite season 2 somewhere around September 2020. Yet, there are no official updates of it as of now. We are only expecting.
according to many sources, The cast of Classroom of the Elite Season 1 will return for season 2 it includes Shōya Chiba as Kiyotaka Ayanokoji: The main lead. He is smart, but due to his in-attentiveness gets admission to the D-class, Akari Kitō as Suzune Horikita: He is a silent girl and classmate of Ayanokoji, Yurika Kubo as Kikyou Kushida: She is a student with a two-faced nature, Ayana Taketatsu as Kei Karuizawa, Masaaki Mizunaka as Kakeru Ryuuen, Nao Tōyama as Honami Ichinose, Honami Ichinose as Alice Sakayanagi, and others.