“Good Morning Call” is a Japanese manga turned live-action TV series that premiers o Netflix and Fuji TV Japna. This show is based on a manga series by Yue Takasuka and written by Keiko Kanome, Yuna Suzuki, Rieko Obayashi, Yu Kanda, the show which is set in Tokyo, follows it main characters in their formative years and tracks their evolving relationships from High school to university. Season 1 released in February 2016, and season 2 followed in 2017. The popularity of the show can be deduced from the fact that the shojo manga series, which comes directly from the brain of Yue Takasuka was turned into a live-action show. The future of the romantic comedy show is set in Tokyo, and It mainly focuses on the relationship between the main characters as they gradually make their way from high school into the university.
The cast of the show includes Haruka Fukuhara as Nao Yoshikawa, Shun’ya Shiraishi as Hisashi Uehara, Moe Arai as Marina Konno, Shugo Nagasgima as Yuichi Mitsuishi Kentaro its as Issei Sata, Koya Nagasawa as Jun Abe and others.
It won’t be wise to jump into conclusions just yet no official word has been made regarding the season 3 of Good Morning Call. However, according to the educated guess of the industry experts if the show gets renewed fans could expect season 3 to release in 2020.
It is in Tokyo that the show takes place. The story spins around the indifferent-turned love relationship between the protagonists of the show Nao and Hisashi. Later, Nao and Hisashi confess their love for each other and start dating. It was not long that life happened and their relationship got under strain. With not being able to spend time together and other challenges, they decided to part ways. We have to hint at what season 3 will be about. The 2 can reunite again in the future and the story can go from there. But so far there is not a word so it will be wise to keep guesses to yourselves.