Jojo Bizare Adventure is an action Japanese anime television series based on a hugely popular and successful manga series of the same name. That series illustrated by Hirohiko Araki, Jojo Bizarre Adventure has sold more than 100 million copies in print, this is the most successful and popularity getting manga series in history. After years the manga series separate in two original video animation (OVA) series in the 1990s and the early 2000s and into an anime film in 2007.
Jojo Bizarre Adventure Part 6 will be following Jolyne Kujo as she fights back against the crazed disciplines of Dio Brando. Where the storyline of Jojo Bizare Adventure: Stone Ocean shifts the location from Glorono Giovanna’s Italy to the Confines of a person in the sunny state of Florida.
When the season one of Jojo Bizare made its way to viewers’ screens on October 6, 2012. then the season 2 will be cover different story arcs. there would be released on April 5, 2014. After this season’s popularity and getting huge views, The show was renewed again for the third season, which it Duby on January 10, 2015. And fourth season release on April 2, 2016. When we expect that season 6 will be released in early 2021. But dut to the COVID-19 outbreak, it may be shifted up in October of 2021.