Drifters is a Japanese anime fantasy web show. The manga is written by Kouta Hirano and the illustrations are done by the author himself. The manga began its serialization in a local magazine. An anime adaption of the series under the same name October 7, 2016, and December 23, 2016. Season 2 of Drifters was officially announced back in 2016. The renewal for season 2 was announced after the results of the first season. Season 1 could be streamed online in the English language on the Funimation Entertainment platform FunimationNow.
Drifters were revived for the upcoming season, although there’s not an official release date to the same. We are assumed to be released by the end of 2022. The animation will take some time, and there might be some delay in the project.
The main cast includes are Josh Grelle as Shimazu Toyohisa, Justin Briner as Nasu no Voichi, Robert McCollum as Oda Nobunaga, Chris Patton as Abe no Seimei, David Wald as Murasaki, Gwendolyn Lau as Olminu, Jeremy Schwartz as Black King, Monica Rial as Easy, Aaron Roberts as Kafe, Anthony Bowling as Flame, Apphia Yu as Mark and Christopher Bevins as Grigori Rasputin.
The story revolves around Shimazu Toyohisa, who’s from medieval occasions, parallel world, and be as it could he’s moved into a unique. Samurai Shimazu Toyohisa who is bleeding in the battle of Sekigahara in the process to defeat the enemy, he is reached out by Murasaki who leads him to a door that transports to the world where other historical, mythical, biblical all sorts of beings are assembled in a critical circumstance and hence are given a mission to fight against the enemies. He pops up as the lord of the clans, thus making him more notable than any time in recent memory.