The American feminist comedy-drama series “The Bold Type,” which is composed by Sarah Watson and produced by Universal Television for Freeform. This series represents the life of Joanna Coles, who is the former editor-in-chief of a very renowned magazine known as Cosmopolitan magazine.
It was first aired on 20th June 2017 and until then the series has released 4 seasons. It is inspired by the life of a former Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief and it follows the story of 3 girls working for a magazine. This throws light on women empowerment, feminism, creating their own identity, and all those sorts of things. It is fun, drama, comedy kind of a light series. Also, if you are into fashion, magazine industry type of shows then this one is a must-watch for you.
The Bold Type Season 4 premiered on January 23, 2020, on Freeform. After airing its 10th episode on March 26, 2020, it went on a break — as originally planned by the channel. Since the total order for season 4 consisted of 18 episodes, the rest eight parts were scheduled to be released sometime in the summer of 2020.
The corona pandemic has influenced the whole world right now, and the making of the series also affected. Six episodes from the latest eight episodes were recorded. And after that, because the production house wants to ensure the safety of the crew, they dropped the shooting. Due to this delay, maybe they will directly start from season 5, and if it’s true, then we can suppose, that season 5 will release somewhere in February 2021.
On March 14, 2020, star Katie Stevens share something on Instagram. She wrote: “The studio and network are taking COVID-19 very seriously, as are our cast and crew. Although we didn’t have anyone test positive, the decision was made to halt production right now for the safety of everyone. We are not canceled. Hopefully, we get to finish the episodes we were filming, but the most important thing is that everyone remains safe and healthy.”
Star Meghann Fahy added: “I don’t know if we’re going to get to finish the episodes or if we’re not going to get to finish the episodes, so it’s a little bit TBD which is kind of spooky. We didn’t get to say goodbye to anybody or anything.”
So what does this mean for the show? Well, since filming has already wrapped for six of the remaining eight episodes, we can expect The Bold Type Season 4 Episode 11 to release sometime in July 2020 — as previously planned by Freeform. They can still shoot the rest of the two episodes as soon as the situation gets stable in a coming couple of months. But if the filming is postponed, even more, we will maybe see the second half of the season sometime later. Or it can also happen that the makers include the incomplete episodes in season 5. We will update this section as and when we learn more.