The anime’s story was based on the relatively short Violet Evergarden novel show, but anime studio Kyoto Animation is well known for stretching a story way beyond its source material. The third 2018 Violet Evergarden novel officially confirmed that a new project was greenlit for production and then in July 2018 the Violet Evergarden movie was officially announced. The Violet Evergarden anime is based on a 2014 novel by author Kana Akatsuki which won the fifth Kyoto Animation Award. The second volume of the book series released in 2016 and completed the main story.
This show are one of those character and show which has won hearts globally and is loved by all who watch it. The show gained popularity to an extreme where could be seen when lit won an award in the category of Best Animation in 2019 Crunchyroll Anime Award.
The show was first releasing the year where it was loved by the audience and was critically acclaimed. After which in 2019 a movie was based on it which also successfully satisfied the audience their requirements.
The story of the show revolves around a story of an Unflinching girl who decides to climb up and become a soldier in the army. She returns from the war and starts her professionals a ghost-writer, the reason behind her changing her profession is that losses both her hands in the war and writes about it. Season 1 was available of Netflix in an English dubbed version and the same is expected from season 2. They have still renewed Violet Evergarden for another season. The maker also informed about the release somewhere in mid-2020 but it seems likely that the show might be pushed further.
The novel show was so amazing it became the first show ever to win the grand prize in Kyoto Animation Award’s novel category. This paves the way for the anime adaption undertaken by Kyoto Animation itself and even the adaption went on to win the Best Animation Award at the 2019 Crunchyroll Anime Awards.