Vinland Saga is a Japanese Drama show which was on the verge of being canceled initially, has now been officially renewed. It is based on genres like adventure and historical fiction. Season 1 of Vinland Saga was released on July 7, 2019, and comprised of 24 episodes. the show get immensely popular and was widely appreciated by fans and critics equally. The creators of the show have yet not officially confirmed release date, our guesses are that it will release by the mid of 2021. If the filming and post-production are remained due to sudden shutdown It can be completed in late 2020. So It’s safe to assume that series season 2 will amazing hit the screen in 2021 and trailer will launch around November and December.
The creators of Vinland Saga season 2 have been tightly lipped about it and no teaser of the show has been released yet, It is hard to tell what season 2 will be about. Well, we just know there will be another season but it’s not official yet. Thorfinn will deal with the Vikings and complete his aim of life, the average father’s death.
The story of season 2 will focus just after season 1. It will show us the journey of Thorfinn against can not. Season 2 will go on full war, blood and a peek of bloodier Viking history. The reason for Vinland Saga season 2 delay is said to be the upcoming anime called, Vampire in the Garden. the studio needs to make a release for Vampire in the Garden on Netflix in 2020. So the staff will be working on the same that being said, an official confirmation from the studio is expected. Makoto Yukimura the maker of Vinland Saga is so overwhelmed and thankful for the support of his fans. He posted a video from the official YouTube channel of the anime.
The release of the last episode was recent, there are rumors about season 2 of the anime. Moreover, some twitter users claimed that the production for season 2 has started and there is no official confirmation about the rumors yet.