The Walking Dead is an American series, is all based on the horror genre. This series as all based on a bunch of the Zombies who will come across the fighter humans and come into a conflict against each other. The Series is the bought and the premiered on the Fox Networks Group. The series has been developed and the broadcasted 10 seasons to date, with the 11th season facing delays due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that has been blanketed the entire the 10th season’s ending the facing a similar delay.
Early screeners have been already made available to the reviewers. But just because the episodes are been ready for early viewing, it doesn’t 100 percent mean that the episode are been ready to release. Take Supernatural for example. The showrunner said new episodes have already been filmed, but with the post-production crews at a standstill, there’s not been much to do but wait.
AMC announced on the social media that it had been pushed The Walking Dead: World Beyond from its been scheduled April 12 premiere date to later this year. The news was been unexpected because the entire first season of the two-season will be limited series had already wrapped production. AMC will be released a brief statement on the news, saying, Given current circumstances, we have been decided to shift the premiere of the new series The Walking Dead: World Beyond to later in the year.
There seems to be a chance The Walking Dead Season 11 does not be debut in 2020. AMC Networks CEO Josh Sapan commented on the flagship title, saying that work will continue, in regard to being writing the upcoming episode in the virtual writer’s rooms. We have been had to postpone production and the post-production work on a number of shows, will be resulting in some scheduling shifts between now and the need of the year, which we also manging through., Sapan said.