Hunters is an American drama web television series created by David Weil. It premiered on February 21, 2020, on Amazon prime video. The Hunters are based on historical events but include fictional suspense, as a team of Americans tracks down Nazis in 1977 New york city. The Hunters season 1 contains 10 episodes and it’s co-produced by Jordan Peele.
This Web show is one of the most popular shows on Amazon Prime Video and After the first season of this web series and the fans of Hunters are expecting season 2 and this is the Great News for the fans and audience as Amazon officially renews Hunters season 2.
Al Pacino might be the main draw here, but following that shocking climax of season 1, the only way he could return in season two is via flashbacks.
- Logan Lerman as Jonah Heidelbaum
- Jerrika Hinton as Millie Morris
- Lena Olin as The Colonel / Eva
- Saul Rubinek as Murray Markowitz
- Carol Kane as Mindy Markowitz
- Kate Mulvany as Sister Harriet
As such, a renewal decision is likely to be announced by the end of March at the latest. Were the show to continue, Season 1 is likely to be released in February 2021, with cast members like Logan Lerman, Kate Mulvey, and Josh Radnor returns.
So guys, as you all know in the Hunters, season 1 finale Jonah proves himself by locating the Nazi doctor Wilhelm Zuchs aka The Ghost. However, something doesn’t feel right when the Hunters’ leader kills his long-time enemy. but doesn’t recite the Kaddish prayer he often spoke of in the past.
After being arrested by the Soviets during World War II, Meyer then reveals himself to be none other than, the Ghost himself assumed the real Meyer’s Identity. When Jonah kills The Ghost, thus ensuring that Al Pacino won’t be back in Hunters season 2.