The 100 is a US Television show. This show is created by Jason Rothenberg initially released in 2014. This show is based on the series of books written by Kass Morgan, The 100 is a series that follows the story of a bunch of survivors made up mostly of teens with precedents.
The last season of The 100 counted 13 episodes each. But the Season 7 will have 16 episodes. We will reach the numbers to terminate the show that is 100.
The CW has dropped the first trailer for the show’s final season which features Clarke saying goodbye to her mother, whom she lost at the end of season 6, multiple confrontations between Clarke and Russell Prime, and in typical The 100 fashion at least one mention of War. We are obviously more eager than ever to see the show’s final season and at this point. It’s everyone guesses how The 100 will wrap everything up.
Whatever the explanation for all these unexpected twists will be. We’ll have to wait until season 7 releases to get some answers. We’ve still got a bit of a wait before Season 7 hits our screens, but in the meantime, TV Guide has been on the lookout for rumors and behind the scenes details about the show’s final run of episodes.
The CW premiered episode titles for the first 4 episodes of Season 7 and they are just vague enough to be frustrating. 701 is titled From the Ashes 702 is titled The Garden 703 is titled False Gods and 704 is titled Hesperides and for the last few seasons has pretty consistently ordered 13 episode seasons for The 100, but the final season will consist of 16 episodes.