The Japanese Anime series, OreGairu, popularly known as My Teen Romantic comedy SNAFU, is one of the most liked anime series. The fans of the series nit only hail from Japan but all around the world. The series has released two seasons previously. The first season released in 2013 and the second season came out in 2015. The fans have been waiting eagerly for the third season. However, what is in store for the fans is yet not known.
The first two seasons of My Teen Romantic comedy SNAFU received a great response from all around the globe. The fans have been waiting for the third season for a long time. Just when the fans were about to get engaged in the next season, the wait got extended. The third season was about to release on 10th April 2020. However, it seems that the fans will have to wait longer. The third season got delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic all around the world. Another sad news is that we don’t know how long the delay is. We can only wait over the pandemic is to be over.
The makers of the series released a trailer some time back. The fans are loving the trailer and are even more pumped for the third season. Also, even though the release date of the third season is not known yet, fans can be convinced that the third season will release as the trailer already out.
The cast for the third season is set to include Takuya Eguchi as Hachiman Hikigaya and Saroi Hayami as Yukino Yukinoshita. The others in the cast are Nao Toyama in the role of Yui Yuigahama and Ayane Sakura as Iroha Isshiki. Stay tuned with us for more updates.