Prison School or Purizun Sukuru is a Japanese manga series that was conceived and conceptualized by Akira Hiramoto. The anime which is based on the manga revolves around a prestigious all-girls boarding school Hachimitsu Private Academy which is known for its superior education and strict discipline. the hoper is still alive for the continuation of the story which contains a premium school, named Hachimitsu Private Academy for the girls who are prestigious and have the tradition to follow strict regulations.
Prison School season 1 released on July 11 2015 and finished on September 26, 2015. There have been bits of gossip swirling around whether there will be another season. Who hasn’t heard of the English dubbing of Prison School so currently, It is available on platforms such as Funimation, Anime lab, Hulu, and Crunchyroll. The English version of the series was highly criticized due to its voice-over casting writing and voice acting.
The cast of season 1 is likely to be returned for season 2 as well these include Taishi Nakagawa as Kiyoshi Fujino, Tokio Emoto as Takehito Morokuzu, and Masato Yano as Shingo Wakamoto. The others on the cast are Daiki Miyagi as Joji Nezu and Galigaligalixon as Reiji Ando.
The tale of Prison School spins around a lofty all young ladies live in school Hachimitsu Private Academy which is known for its boss instruction and exacting control. The fellowship between the young men is extremely appealing what’s more the story is exciting so I’m generally as eager and anxious as I can be sitting tight for the following section. The audience had a complaint with the English dubbing as they did not feel it went along with the characters and the show in good synchronization.
However, It does not take them much time to learn to live by the rules and soon become very popular. There are soon changes with the President. While the show has on the all-girl institution, there are also male students in the show.