On My Block is a teen comedy-drama web TV show that is released on Netflix on March 16, 2018. Season 1 of On My Block was released on Netflix in March 2018. When season 2 hit on the Netflix site on March 29, 2019, and that of season 3 on March 11, 2020. Netflix has not officially confirmed the renewal, but there are good chances for renewal because of the huge success of season 3. We know that the production team of many series is postponed due to the spread of COVID-19. Once Netflix renews this the production team will get back to work and we might have an official release date and a trailer.
There is no official announcement about the screencast of the series. Season 4 will be returned with the following characters to be seen: Sierra Capri as Monse, Diego Tinoco as Cesar Jason Genao as Ruby, Brett Gray as Jamal, Jessica Marie Gracia as Jasmine, Julie Marcius as Spooky.
There are no current updates about season 4. The story basically on the friend’s group that tries to cope with their lives in high school and in their area. When their High school starts in the gritty inner city of South Central Los Angeles. There is no official news about the story of season 4. The cast and crew are yet to tease anything concrete about what we can expect in On My Block season 4but given hat it gets more dramatic with every season.
Opening up about the editing with Paste, On My Block creator Lauren lungerich said I think that ending is such a great place of resetting because the idea of this show has always been you know what Mario said in the pilot. Now, there is no trailer for season 4 of On My Block but we shall update you as soon as there is.