Knights of Sidonia is a Space Opera and Mecha anime series which has been derived from the manga of the same name. It has been animated by Kodansha and had aired in 2014 and 2015. The story will be followed by Nagate Tanizake who is an under dweller who is been detained to be a Garde Pilot. These Pilots are entrusted with the mission to defend the huge spaceship Sidonia from an alien race known as Gauna.
The anime will take place a thousand years after the fall of Earth on a large seed ship called Sidonia. It will follow a young man named Nagate Tanikaze. Tanikaze was raised in the underground of the ship by his grandfather, Hiroki Saitou. He has a talent for Garde piloting and seems to have extremely quick healing. Then other important characters include Tanikaze’s fellow cadets: Shizuka Hoshijiro, Izana Shinatose, and Yuhata Midorikawa, as well as the caption of Sidonia, Tsumui Shiranui.
The Interpersonal dialogue, though sometimes a bit stilted, gives each character depth. Even those that become each just another mark on the ass gravestones get some development. The world feels futuristic, with being most humans being able to Phtosunthesize and having a third gendered main character. It isn’t by any stretch a utopia, though, with bodies doing sent to an organic Coversation reactor after death, deep tunnels decimated the population and the overall militaristic feel of a society developed inside a ship.
Grades are giant mechanized weapons who will act as the guardians of Sidonia. They are manned by humans similar to a mobile suit in the Gundam series. And the story is all about a Garde Pilot Nagate Tanikaze who will belives in the underground layer of Sidonia with his grandfather. He never had much interaction so he spent his time training himself on an old Guardian pilot simulator till he became an expert at it.