Kaguya-Sama: Love is War in a Japanese anime show. This show is written and illustrated by Aka Akasaka. The anime TV show released with a total of 12 episodes in January 2019. We have no official confirmation whatsoever about another season. One year went by and a season 2 to the show released in April 2020, concluding in June 2020. This show is animated by A-1 Pictures, licensed by Viz Media for an English release in North America. Shinichi Omata is the director of the anime series, with Yuuko Yahiro participating as the character designer, Jin Aketagawa as the sound director and Kai Haneoka as the sound composer.
This is officially confirmed the staff returned for season 2. Along with, there are others who reprise their roles too: Kaguya Shinomiya by Aoi Kogai, Miyuki Shirogane by Makoto Furukawa, Chika Fujiwara by Konomi Kohara, Yu Ishigami by Ryota Suzuki.
The story revolves around 2 couples who are too proud to come clean with each other about their feelings. Miyuki Shirogane is the student council President while Kaguya Shinomiya is the vice-President. As fate would have it they spend most of the time together and the student body ships them wholly. The girl comes from a wealthy family and the boy is a popular and top student at school. Season 1 saw Kaguya falling at a confession of love for Miyuki, once again But there is a chance that season 2 will shift focus to another set of young students, Kashiwagi and Tsubasa whom the pair had been advising previously throughout.
Selling Over 9 million copies, the manga Kagua-same: Love Is War became the 9th test selling manga in the year 2019. It was awarded the 65th Shogakukan Manga Award this year. the anime backed Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2020 for Best Comedy and Best Couple Best ending sequence and a nomination for Best Girl. It is also won the Best Anime Awards of the season at the 2020 Spring Anime Awards and Best Comedy at the same award.