Marvel Studios Avengers Endgame culminated in the 22-movies Infinity Saga with killing the main man (Tony Stark) of the cinematic universe, who started the critically and commercially successful franchise.
The genius with metallic armor, Iron Man aka Tony Stark wasn’t that popular in the world before the first Iron Man film released in 2008. The studio quickly decided a sequel for the superhero after moderate success in the first film. After The Avenger in 2012, Tony Stark (or Iron Man) became the heart of the MCU that was planned by Marvel Studios.
The studio then brought the Iron Man 3 movie in 2013 and the movie quickly became a global phenomenon, gained more than $1 Billion in the box office, and receiving positive praise from the critics. In the following years, the studio gave up the idea to make another Iron Man movie instead kept making movies based on other superheroes.
Robert Downey Jr. also confirmed that there isn’t any plan for the fourth Iron Man movie instead the character will have important roles in various other MCU films. The studio, indeed, provided an important role to the character to such extent that the studio decided to kill the character for the sake of humanity and the universe.
After the fate of Iron Man in Endgame, the love for the character grew far more above than expected. Fans are already missing the superhero and have already asked the studio to bring back Iron Man for one more time. So, will we have the fourth movie in the MCU?