Code Geass and Kodo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurushu is a Japanese mecha anime series that is produced by Sunrise. The show is set in an alternate timeline and It follows the story of the exiled prince Lelouch vi Britannia. After a hugely successful season, 1 and 2 fans are mainly wondering if there is going to be season 3 ever. Season 1 released all the way back on October 6, 2006, and season 2 released on April 6, 2008. Both seasons 1 and 2 had 25 episodes each and the anime was huge among the anime lovers.
The anime is originally directed by Goro Taniguchi and written by Ichiro Okouchi. The entire story is set in an alternative universe, where the Britannian empires take over the world.
As of now, the studio has made no official announcements regarding the release of season 3. For those who have been waiting for Code Geass season, 3 must have been disappointed with Taniguchi’s idea and viewpoint, but you should still be glad to know Lelouch and the rest of the cast will again be returning on the screen. According to the creators, the film is not likely to clash with the events that wouldn’t take in Code Geass season 3.
The plot of the story is set in an alternate reality where the Holy Empire of Brittania is slowly but steadily becoming a dominating nation of the military. They started their conquest in Japan, in a region named area 11. The story of the show shifts its focus to Lelouch Lampeouge. The English captioned and English dubbed episodes of the show can be found on both Funimation and Crunchyroll. The anime follows the life of an outcast prince, Lelouch who receives a mysterious power. His given power allows him to control others. Subsequently, he becomes the masked leader of a rebellion will he lead his followers to victory.