Ares is a horror (supernatural) drama television series which is directed by Giancarlo Sanchez and Michiel ten Horn and created by Pieter Kuijpers, Iris Otten and Sander van Meur. This series is staring by Jade Olieberg, Tobias Kersloot, Lisa Smit and Robin Boissevain. The first season of Ares was successful in horror hit for Netflix and this series is premiered on Netflix on January 17, 2020. As per the response of the people on this series and increasing range of people in horror, shows can make it more hit and more famous, There are also so many other horrors rituals of Netflix, it will give the green card to the Ares season 2 also.
There is no information is revealed about the Ares season 2 cast but it is confirmed that the showrunner Jade Olieberg and her best friend Tobias Kersloot will definitely come in the Ares season 2 and also other members of this series have come like Lili fame Lisa Smit. It is also expected that fame Robin Boissevain and Van Der Valk actor Frieda Barnhard who play the role of Rosa and Jacob are returning to the upcoming series. Now we all are waiting for the Netflix announcement about the Ares season 2.
There is no information about the launching of this series nor the confirmed date is revealed yet but now we all know that the first season is a launch recently so the second season is taking some time to launch but one good information is for all fans that the second season is definitely coming whether it take long time or short but it is 100 percent coming now all we are waiting for the next season, whenever any information is coming we will update you about season 2.