Fire Force is an anime television series adaptation of a Japanese Shõnen manga of the same name written by Atsushi Õkubo. The show is directed and produced by Yuki Yase and David production. Yuki Yase had also worked on other successful projects from David production.
Fire Force debuted with season 1 in July 2019 to December 2019 and consisted of 24 episodes, soon after, the next season was announced, and the fans got really excited to witness more of Shinra Kasukabe’s story. So here’s everything we know so far about the development of season 2!
The exact release date has not been officially announced yet, however, season 2 has been declared to be released in July 2020. And like the previous season, this season also comprises of 24 episodes. So guys hold your horses upon hearing the news as the debut season was really good.
A teaser of 30 seconds was released in December 2019 for the season 2 of Fire Force by Funimation and by which it is so hard to predict that the upcoming season will pick from where it dropped off the last time.
The animation team will be including Kazuhiro Miwa, Hiruyoki Ookaji, and Riki Matsuura and The character’s designs are handle by Hideyuki Morioka. The show is going to air on MBS, TBS, Funimation now and some more.
Fire Force Season 2 as we follow the journey of our main protagonist Shinra on his quest to look for his younger brother who had been brainwashed by a member of the White Clad under the leadership of the Evangelist. Just before the previous season concluded, we had a glimpse of what kind of evil organization the White Clad is and it also leaves us questioning who is this so-called Evangelist and how powerful he/she really is.
In the upcoming season, we could witness the special fire brigades fighting against unnatural human beings into the internals. This would be the first generation of cases. Shinra Kasukabe, popularly called ” Devil’s footprints,” will join special Fire Force Academy consisting of other flamed users.