The Japanese manga show Fire Force is based on the famous Japanese book. It is written by Atsushi Okubo and directed by Yuki Yase, the first season of the series was released on July 5, 2019, to December 27, 2019, on Japan News Nation Network. There was a total of 24 episodes in season 1 whose name comprised of Shinra Kusakabe Enlists to the burning past. The show got a 7.7 rating by the IMDb which is quite good for an animated series. Season 1 was watched and liked by many people especially by the people of Japan as they have shown great interest. The show is based on the fictional disaster that happened in Tokyo two hundred and 50 years ago before 198. Many nations were destroyed and there was flame all around by the attack of Demons.
Season 1 of the series was released on 6 July 2019 with a total of 24 episodes and It ended on 28 December 2019. The season got a massive response from the audience. The creators of the show are deciding to renew the series for next season, which will be released around July 2020. But due to coronavirus pandemic, there is a possibility of it to delay in its releasing but there are no more official details about this.
There is officially confirmed Gakuto Kajiwara will return with its original role of Shinra Kusakabe in the upcoming season. Other main characters and roles such as Mao Ichimichi as Iris, Aoi Yuki as Tamaki Kotatsu, Jeremy Inman as Akitaru Obi will also be returning for season 2.
In the year 198 of the Age of the Sun Tokyo is a crowded capital. But the world’s most popular town is threatened by devils that cause people to burst into flame and that too randomly. The only ones who can stop it are the Pyrofighters, a team of specialized firefighters with supernatural abilities. As a maker of the Fire Force Atsushi Okuno reveals some details about it. During anime expo 2019 Okubo reveals that he is excited to see in the Fire Force anime is the fire in its title. The fans of Fire Force manga are also looking forward to season 2 of Enen no Shouboutai as they wish to see their favorite fighting scenes get animated.