Kaguya-Sama: Love is war is most of the famous Japanese anime Seinen Manga series written by Aka Akasaka. Its anime television series is directed by Shinichi Omata and written by Yasuhiro Nakanishi. The series was originally run on TOKYO MX, GTV, GYT, BS11, MBS, CTV, and TVN. It was first premiered on January 12, 2019. There is a total of 14 episodes in season one. It was rated on IMBD 8/10.
We know the lover story of Miyuki and Kaguya, and their relationship has gone too far, but we want to know what is going to happen in the future. The second season was premiered on April 25, 2020. in, Japan, and till now, so many things have happened. There will be 12 episodes in season 2. You can watch the first season on Hulu, Netflix, and for the second season, you will have to watch it of Funimation and Anime lab.
Till now, we have seen Miyuki’s ( a by who is the topper of the school but unknown from love and relationship) birthday, and he was celebrating his birthday with Kaguya (Vise [resident of shushing academy). Meanwhile, Kaguya gets attach to Miyuki’s sister. A birthday party, Miyuki’s sister, whishes her with cake and gifts. Meanwhile, Fujiwara (cheerful girl) sees that Miyuki is celebrating his birthday with Kaguya. Kaguya Wants to make Miyuki confess his love, but her plans get to destroy, and also Fujiwara got hurt so much, and she sinks in tears.
This is full of twisted love, where you will enjoy every moment. In the second part of this series, we can expect to see more comedy, love triangle, dialogue, drama, and so on. It will hard to say about the upcoming story. We need to take patience for the upcoming twists, and in the upcoming storyline, we will see where it goes further.