Arifureta is a Japanese anime television show that premiered AT-X, Tokyo MX, SUN, and BS11 o 8th July 2019 with 13 episodes and 2 OVAs. The anime is accommodated by a publication series that was Lighting by Ryo Shirakome. The series premiered with 13 episodes. Later in December and February. This anime show is directed by Kinji Yoshimoto and produced by Aya Lizuka, Yoichi Sekine, Yuta Kashiwabara, Satoshi Fukao. The story is also available in the form of manga adaptions and light novel series written by Ryo Shirakome.
It received combined word of mouth of the testimonials along with a score of 6.6/10 on IMDb. It’s expected that the founders will read all there reviews and enhance the same in the upcoming season. The creators without causing delay were continually preparing for the next season.x
The release date of season 2 isn’t officially confirmed. However, this can be delayed considering the pandemic condition going on. It is anticipated to release in July 2020. But due to the coronavirus pandemic situation, It may get postponed. We are all waiting for the release date announcement.
The star cast of the show included are: Hajime Nagumo, Yue shea haulia, Tio klarus, Kaori shirasaki, Shizuku yaegashi, Koki amanogawa, Aiko hatayama, Daisuke haiyama, along with half-mermaid myue have officially confirmed their return for the upcoming season as of now. With proceeding characters of season 1 return, we all believe that the authors may create new developments in season 2.
The story revolves around a young 17 years old otaku Hajime Nagumo. The highlight story comes to play when due to a tragedy, he along with his classmates, moves to a dream world, where they can save humankind. To be honest, I find the story quite interesting his fantasies about experiences and series turned into a reality. His life takes a surprising turn when one day and his dream of being in a magical fantasy world is achieved after being summoned to a world where he is treated as a hero and is expected to ave humanity from becoming extinct.
He sees his classmates with magic powers that are superior after getting into the fantasy world. However, he does not have any capability to save the world from demons. He keeps practicing the magic to boost his skills to develop into a hero finally. Again his classmates made him enjoy him, but he overcame by working hard and made weapons. He also showed his worth to his classmates. the story of season 2 will continue from where season 1 concluded.