The Marvel Cinematic Universe starts 12 years ago with Iron Man and soon sparked a series of movies that would feature actors still playing their beloved roles. The film was helmed by Kenneth Branagh who has been giving a lot of interviews lately due to the fact that he directed Disney+ Artemis Fowl and will soon be seen in Christopher Nolan’s Tenet. After 9 years in the MCU, Hemsworth and Hiddleston aren’t done. In fact, Hemsworth’s Thor will be the first MCU hero to get the fourth installment to their respective franchise within the Marvel franchise.
In a recent interview, director Kenneth Branagh opened up about the perfect moment when he along with the team at Marvel decided to cast Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Tom Hiddleston as Loki. After the huge success of Iron Man, Kenneth Branagh had to make something very special with Thor.
He also discussed why Thor’s world and what he has to offer to the team was different from other superheroes, so there was different from other superheroes so there was a kind of connective matrix that Thor, Asgard, the Nine Realms and everything that It involved could provide inside that large Marvel Cinematic Universe that was enormously important that couldn’t be done by the brilliant Captain America it wasn’t the same material.
Basically, at the time they were looking for well-established actors so that the audience didn’t have an association, Hiddleston told the TV host.
You know, I auditioned for the first Thor movie 10 years ago, in 2009 and I just thought I was auditioning and a movie, you know an interesting part of an interesting film. He said that as the third movie in the show, here was immense pressure on Thor to bridge the gap between what fans saw in Iron Man and what they would see in the more fantastical MCU films of the future.