The Seven Deadly Sins is an anime TV series. The series is been directed by Tensai Okamura. The series has been completed three seasons. October 5 made its debut, 2014 as season one with 24 episodes. It was then renewed for a second season which will be aired on January 13, 2018, with 24 episodes and then season 3 on October 9, 2019, within the 24 episodes. The series got a huge rating of 8.1/10 from IMDb. it will be showing it is now available on Netflix.
The great news for the lovely fans is that the seven Deadly Sins is been officially coming out with season 4 on Netflix. It is be going on released in July 2020. The creators have been already aired season 4 in Japan, and the seasons’ last episodes came out on March 25, 2020. Netflix will be announced in a tweet that the show will come to Netflix in July 2020 but they did not give the exact date.
The confirmation is not been given about the cast of the movie. Though Elizabeth Liones, Meliodas, King Harlequin are be expected to return and they will be playing the lead roles. The cast will be also included Merlin, Diane, Liz, Growth, and Escanor, and so more.
As well all know, the COVID-19 Pandemic has been taken us by the hook and plunge us into the darkness, there is an extreme issue with all the production worldwide. The same goes for this series too, where the makers have been not told us much about what can we expect from season 4. But form the trailer, this much can be decided as well as from the last few episodes of the last seasons, that after Fraudin determines himself to kill his former leader, he will be taken upon a newly resurrected and a more powerful Meliodas, where Meliodas will be probably taken upon a fiercer role to protect her, For more, you will behave to stay tuned and keep your eyes glued here for all new information.