Nisekoi is one of the popular anime series of Japan, across the world. Two seasons of Nisekoi is release and fans are desperately waiting for the third one. It is one of those anime that you want to continue endlessly because of how entertaining they are to watch season one gets a massive response from the viewers to season 2 will immediately come after season 2.
Nisekoi season 2 has been released so far and has a total of 32 episodes. Season one contains 20 episodes while season 2 contains only 12 episodes. Here will know about the release date, plot, and the rumors of Nisekoi.
The last episode of season 2 was air on June 26 in 2015. Currently, it’s more than five years of season 2. There is no official announcement on one of the most popular series Nisekoi season 3 so far.
We can guess and hope for the third season to come out sometime in (early) 2022.
Even though nothing is officially confirmed as of yet, we might see Ichigo finally having feelings for Kirisaki as their chemistry and love story is something fans are desperate to see and know about. Some other theories about the third season tell that the upcoming season might see Yui nee’s comeback, where she might be confessing to Raku about has feelings that will be bringing a new turn of events to the storyline.
- Koku Uchiyama
- Kana Hanazawa
- Yumi Lichiyama
- Uuki Kaji
The plot of the story starts with Raku Ichijo. Raku is the child of a Yakuza, who is a criminal and works under Shuei-Gumi. He is a basic, legitimate unobtrusive man and experiences an issue of Stammering Chitoge is a delightful young lady and the little girl of a beehive. He is at the top of an opponent association which is gainst Shuei-Gumi.
It is normal that season 3 will bring a somewhat extraordinary story from the past season and it may be another plot that updates the future season.