The grand tour is a British television series which is written by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, Richard Porter and created by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, and Andy Wilman. There is a total of four seasons is come and the fourth season last aired continue to be announced, All three seasons contain 38 episodes and the fourth one continues with 2 episodes yet. The fifth season of Grand Tour is taking some time like one and a half years to launch. In the Grand tour season 5, some information is revealed that the team is going to another continent, The team headed to Asia for The Grand Tour 5, this time, they might want to head to somewhere closer to home. In the Grand tour 5, we expected that the Jeremy Clarkson returning as the show host and James May and Richard Hammond also as a show host, No other information is out about 5 seasons.
The Grand Tour series is famous over worldwide and create a big franchise from the past few years and fans are increasing day by day due to this we can easily understand that the next show is coming definitely, Now fans are seeing more and more season of this series as long as the franchise is also earning the great money. The previous show of this series is to create lots of fan following and great work at the box office.
There is no official date is announced for the grand tour season 5. But from some of the rumors, we can expect that season 5 is going to air in the next year or maybe it can be release around December 2020, but the official team of the show did not provide any valuable information about the release date of season 5. So now is the only thing we can do is expect and from the sources, season 5 is going to release around next year.