Crash Landing on You Season is a Korean web television series based on the comedy and romantic drama. these series created by Lee Jung-Hyo, It will be involved many staring cast that will appear in the series such as Hyun Bin, Seo Ji-Hye, Kim Jung-Hyun, and Son Ye-Jin. and the production company of the series known as Culture Depot and Studio Dragon. But, the running time of around 70 minutes per episode
The first season of the show itself will be received a lot of positive reviews and appreciation. The director of this top-rated south Korean show is Leo Jung-Hyo. The show will be revolved around the love story of Yon Se-ri, an heiress in South Korea who due to some accident lands in North Korea, where she will be met Ri Jeong-hyeok, a North Korean army officer. Eventually, when ri-Jeong-hyeok finds out that yoon Se-ri from South Korea, he will take it upon himself to protect her and keep her safe.
Season two of this drama is not be greenlit yet. But there has been speculation that K-drama is be going to have a sequel. The coronavirus crisis has to be restricted to the shooting schedules even though season two is on the table. Virtually all of the television and movie will be projects postponed until management. we could expect it to come sometime in 2021 if in near season 2 has been renewed. so we will need to give time to give us update to the creators since the period has been just been finished. We south Korean drama fans will need to have patience.
Crashlanding on You season 2 majority cast members are a comeback, according to the one report, so including cast are Son Ye-Jin as Yoon Se-ri, Kim Jung-Hyun as Gu Seung-Joon, Park Hyung-soo as Yoon Se-Hyung, Hwang Woo-Seul-Hye as do Hye-Ji, Kin Young-min as Jeong man-bok, Choi Dae-hoon as Yoon Se-Joon, Seo Ji-Hye as Seo Dan, Nam Kyung-up as Yoon Jeung-Pyeong.
As of now, the probable plot of season 2 is not to be known. The storyline is to be kept under wraps to avoid speculation and rumors. Also, the trailer or any posy is not be revealed yet about the same. The primary plot of the series is inter-country love between two people and all about their Journey One is a successful businesswoman from South Korea while the order is a former Korea while the other is a former army officer from North Korea. so in season 2, we’ll be seeing more about the obstacles they will be facing and how they cross them