Goblin Slayer is a Japanese dark fantasy anime show that is based on the novel of the same name written by Kumo Kagyu. It is a fantasy world which is full of goblins. The anime show received huge popularity. After the huge success of season 1 and season 2 for which we all have been waiting for is finally officially renewed it.
The story of the show is about a warrior who is known as Goblin Slayer, whose job is hunting goblins. His life changes when a friend enters his life. Their job is to save the priestess under any situation while aiming for a world free of goblins. Season 2 will probably start from where season 1 ended and It is expected that this season will reveal many mysteries that were not solved in season 1. Now there is no official announcement of the release date of season 2. But it can also get delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The rising demand for anime from the audience has made it possible for small jobs to bloom. It is getting appreciation and the recognition it deserves. From season 1 we witness the dark world of fantasy in an adventure sets as a set of hunters to slay the Goblins so as to gain gold and glory. It is clear that the battle has only started we have gruesome battles and struggles to witness.
There has been no official trailer released for season 2 but keep an eye out for this space as we will update it as soon as something official breaks.
The controversy about the began with the very first episode. It was shown that a young priestess had joined an overaged party of people who are going o an adventure in order to rescue a group from a nest of goblins.
The Goblin Slayer Movie: Goblin’s Crown was released on the 1, February 2020. I a world dominated y humongous monsters, the priestess joins a group of inexperienced fighters. We can expect the series to hit the big screens by early 2021.