My Hero Academia is an animated series as well as manga series of Japan. The animated series is based upon a manga series of the same name by Kohel Horikoshi. The animated show was officially announced for the 5 seasons on twitter by creators. This show is directed by Kenji Nagasaki till season third and then later on by Masahiro Mukai. The last season of this series we have seen was season 4 and season 5 is development.
My Hero Academia has released on 3 April 2016 and had a total of 13 episodes and then it was followed by 3 more seasons and more numbers of episodes. My Hero Academia season 4 released on 12 October 2019 with 25 episodes. The release date of My Hero Academia 5 has not bee announced but we can expect in the first half of 2021. With such an overwhelming response. My Hero Academia was adapted into video games and musicals wherein the second musical get postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Season 1 of the series released on April 3, 2016, and had 13 episodes. It was a huge success which led to season 2 that released on April 1, 2017, with 25 episodes. It was followed by season 3 on April 7, 2018, with the same number of episodes. The latest season which is season 4 released on October 12, 2019, with 25 episodes as well.
The show recently completed its season 4 in April 2020 and officially announced its season 5. The manga was even adapted into an animated film named My Hero Academia: Two Heroes released in august 2018, and a second animated film named My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising was released in December 2019.
Assuming Season 5 will maintain My Hero Academia close following of its manga counterpart we can guess that season 5 will pick up during the joint training arc. Season 5 might also cover some of the Meta Liberation Army arc, which gets into Tomura Shigaraki’s backstory as well as new moves made by the crew, The League of villains.