Love Death and Robots is an adult anthology internet television show on Netflix. This show is produced by Joshua Done Tim Miller, David Fincher and Jennifer Miller. Audience answers for love through Netflix release to streaming amounts and Robots and Death were overwhelming by favorable. There is concern regarding the way the female body has been used by the series. It is certainly not to everybody’s taste, but fans of this show may want to learn what the future holds for love.
There has not been any official release date of the season and Netflix has not announced whether whatsoever, the show is going to be revived for a second outing. The show has also been the first project under Netflix and has experimented with episode order as well.
Episodes range from 6 to 17 minutes long and are animated by artists from around the world. Most have a different director in some cases leading to a language barrier so the process lends itself to a unique style for each episode both in the animation and music that accompanies it.
Season 1 was released on Netflix in March 2019 and offered 18 different tales ranging from 6 to 17 minutes long, each telling a unique story with a different animation style. Watching Love Death and Robots is a feverish, bewildering experience that feels like a collision between two of Netflix’s other Series Black Mirror the series delivers an anthology of unconnected stories that lean towards sci-fic so there’s no chronological connective tissue.