The Outsiders is an American crime-drama TV series. This show is produced and developed by Jason Bateman and Richard Price. The Outsiders TV series looks like a huge success for HBO, and producers have expressed interest in developing a season 2 possibly for early 2021. This show is based on Stephen King’s best-selling novel.
The story revolves around an investigation of the grisly murder of a local boy, which was committed by a dark entity known as El Cuco. The producer of this show is down for more episodes, then HBO almost certainly will be too.
The show debuted with a 0.7 rating and has grown nearly every week since, with the only significant dip being during Super Bowl weekend when it went online early and was edited by the game night of. The Outsiders has the added difficulty of figuring out how to potentially go beyond King’s original book. Ratings for the This show are below True Detective season 1, which did end up gaining viewership by the end of its first season, but we all know what happened there once they decided to see if they could make it work a second time.
The Outsiders television series star cast Ben Mendelsohn, Cynthia Erivo, Bill Camp, Mare Winningham, Paddy Considine, Julianne Nicholson, Yul Vazquez, Jeremy Bobb, Marc Menchaca, and Jason Bateman.