Suits is an American legal drama TV show that first released on the USA Network in 2011. The show is said to be the longest-running series in terms of episodes and Seasons. The American legal drama created by Aaron Korsh released on 23 June 2011 in USA Network. Unfortunately, the show ended on 25 September 2019. This is one of the hugely popular TV series that streams on different networks like Netflix and Amazon Prime.
The series has had an amazing creator, they managed it pretty well, to wrap it in much less time. Well, the show ended on a pleasing note. Even the last couple revealed that they are leaving the New York firm and joining Mike and Rachel firms in Seattle.
When the series was coming to last season, Mike as Patrick J, Rachel as Meghan Markle, and Jessica as Gina Torres were seen to part ways in their New York firms. They left us with Harvey, Donna, and Louis with us. But we also received many additional cast Alex as Dule Hill, Katrina as Amanda Schull, and Samantha as Katherine Heigl were there to more the series forward.
The plot of the show this time is going to be very direct than the last seasons. In the last season, the creators only released 10 episodes that broke the hearts of many fans and the story spins over the New York City law office, whose notoriety shoots while a more youthful college dropout joins the firm. The modification had been communicated on the US Network. the show is the longest-running application and the most well-known assortment of criminal dramatizations.