Aggretsuko is a Japanese anime musical comedy franchise. This show is based on the eponymous character created by Yeti for the mascot company Sanrio. The series is a Netflix Original anime series created and written by Rarecho. There were over 100 episodes of the Aggretsuko shorts before the series was popularised worldwide with the release of the first full-length anime on Netflix.
Netflix has officially confirmed that Aggretusko will be returning for season 3. This news was confirmed through various social media outlets for the streaming service.
Season 2 explored Aggretsuko’s relationships with her family, friends, and those in her love life. Season 1 released in April, while the season 2 released in June and We’d expect to see the season 3 arrive in the summer of 2020 but in July and August. So we hope Aggretsuko could return in spring 2020 But It’s more likely to be in the summer of 2020 instead.
Aggretsuko Season 2 saw Retsuko dealing with the pressure of her mother’s endless nagging for her to find a husband as well as a new co-worker whose passive-aggressive approach to her guidance left her more anxious than ever.
The joy of Aggretsuko lies in how it deals with relatable and motions in a manner that is both true to life and just cartoonish enough to make sense when involving anthropomorphic animals.
Aggretsuko Season 2 also saw further development of side characters who mostly served as one-off jokes in season 1. That’s an interesting thing for Rareko to say, considering one of the more interesting things about Aggretsuko’s recent season 2 was how it expanded the show’s character complexity in such a way that some intriguing nuance was being slowly fleshed out among the cast, beyond just Retsuko herself.