The show is a BBC TV series. This show is created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and Chips Hardy. The producer Scott and Hardy have done well providing all the details and the current updates which are connected to war set in the year of 1814 around the world. Season 1 was released on 7 Jan 2017 in the United Kingdom. In March 2017, the rumors for season 2 had arisen. There is a total of 8 episodes and It was rated on IMDb 8.4 out of 10.
There is no official release date of season 2, but we are assumed season 2 is released on 2020 and in 2021 but Currently Tom Hardy is busy with Venom 2 and also, there is a huge global problem due to Coronavirus Pandemic, and According to the reports Season, 2 will be the focus on America’s Secret Agent.
So, there is no officially announced the celebrity cast of the series, and the show creators have not made any official announcements yet. There are a few members who can return for their roles. Such as Lorna Bow/Delaney can be back as Jessie Buckley, Mark Gatiss as the Prince Regent, Stephen Graham as Atticus, David Hayman as Bracer, Edward Hogg as Michael Godfrey, Jason Watkins as Solomon Coop and Nicholas Woodsen as Robert Thoyt.
The Story was connected to England and war between the United States and Britain in the 19th Century. The era of 1814 and is fully based on James Delaney as Tom Hardy who appeared in England following 12 Years of staying in Africa and having grasped 14 Jewels seen by the passing of his dad. The fans will see the mystery behind James’ tattoo and we can also comprehend the explanations behind the conflicts with the East India Company and Mark Gatiss Prince Regent.
The trailer has not yet been published and We expect one to observe when the production is completed. So we are currently hoping a trailer until the second season is now released.