The Anime show Haikyuu is a Japanese shonen manga series which is written and illustrated by Haruichi Furudate. Its season 1 was premiered on 6 September 2014. Now, currently, season 4 with 13 episodes has been premiered. The initial three seasons were directed by Susumu Mitsunaka, and season 4 is directed by Masako Sato. It was first premiered in April 2014 and is published by Production I.G.
But the current season will be having 25 episodes, because due to the COVID-19 outbreak, So, the remaining episodes will be part of Season 5.
There could be 2 Tittles for this Haikyuu Season 5 current Updates and According to the manufacturing team, they intend to release the season together with the name Haikyuu to the top Phase 2 Haikyuu to the Top. But this season finished Netflix will be embracing the string and will release it, so the tittles would go as of now.
There is no official news for release date may be affected by COVID-19 because many serial, movie has been delayed. But we should appreciate teamwork because any series which is coming with season 5 is a very major deal.
But we are expecting it to get released in July 2020, but as most of the series are affected due to the outbreak of COVID-19, so we cannot say that it will definitely get released in July.
Fans will get to hear some similar voices as Shoyo Hinata will be dubbed by Ayumu Murase, Kaita Ishaikawo will be dubbing for Tobio Kageyama, Satoshi Hino will dub Daichi Sawamura’s voice, and Koki Uchiyama will be dubbing Koi Tsukishima.
Haikyuu is a story of a Junior High School student named Shoyo Hinata, He dreams of being a great footballer. Although he is short in height, he never loses his dream. He wants to be like his favorite player, “Little Giant” But he losses his hope when he faces a defeat in his first match.
In the last few seasons, we saw how the volleyball team faced the competition and excelled together as a team, But with the growing popularity, they have to face more potential competitors. In the upcoming season, Hinata might take revenge for not being invited along with Tuskishima and Kagayamu, and Hinata is surely planning something.